WTC 2025 Middle-earth SBG
The Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game is IGE's original event, and is where our journey began. Featuring armies created by Games Workshop from the incredibly popular books of J.R.R Tolkien, and the successive film franchise, it's a fantastic skirmish-scale games system where armies ranging in size from dozens of goblins, to half a dozen mighty heroes of legend, can seize the day.
In 2024, we looked to build on the success of Ireland 2022 and Spain 2023.
Now going into 2025 we are entering exciting times with Games workshop bringing out a brand new addition.
We are working through these exciting changes so our rules pack are evolutionary and Dynamic, rather than revolutionary. As the new changes come into play we will be updating the rules pack for all to see. Those of you who've been before will be familiar with much of it. For those new - welcome aboard! We can't wait to welcome you in sunny England.
Participating countries
Each participating country is welcome to send up to 3 teams of 4 players, one of whom will be nominated as the Team Captain. Captains, coaches, and other similar roles are not permitted outside of the team of 4 - for example, you can't bring 4 players plus a coach.
We are delighted that for 2025 we will have 16 attending teams representing their countries.
If you would like to be put in contact with your country rep to find out how to qualify, or if you'd like to put forward your country for participation, please get in touch with us.
Venue, tickets, and other event information
The WTC isn't just a single system tournament - it's an entire event! You can find all the information about the venue, tickets, and other event-wide information on our event info page.
Tournament format
Unsurprisingly, the World Team Championships is a team event! As such, there are some restrictions on what armies you can field as a team, and the match-up system involves you being matched up against an entire team from another country. For example,
France 1 vs Italy 2.
You'll be able to find all the details on the event format, army list selection, the match-up process, schedule, and other information, in the Rules Pack in the Resources section below.
- MESBG WTC 2025 Rules Pack
- MESBG Team List Submission Template
- MESBG WTC 2025 Captains Pack
WTC 2025 Referee's Handbook
FAQ and Errata
We don't issue FAQs or Errata specifically for our events. Instead, we simply follow the latest FAQs and Errata as published by the game's designers. If we have to make rules judgement for unusual situations during the event, we take note of these, and pass the questions on to the game designers.
You can find the latest FAQs and Errata's for Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game here (Due Feb 2025)